Construction Industry Development Authority

Ministry of Urban Development, Construction and Housing

Human Resources and Administration Division

Human Resources and Administration (HR&A) Division of CIDA undertakes all HR functions such as CIDA’s human resource planning, recruitment, CIDA’s human resource development, staff retention, training &development, welfare activities. It also undertakes other administrative functions such as day-today house-keeping matters and general administration duties including resource management of the organization. In brief, HR &A Division supports all operations for the smooth functioning of the organization enabling the Management to take decisions on HR requirement and other institutional operational activities.
Following three sub Divisions operate under HR& Administration Division.

(a)    Human Resource Management(HR)
(b)    Administration and Maintenance (A&M)
(c)    Procurement Management(PM)

Human Resource Management(HR)


Administration and Maintenance (A&M)


Managerial and Supervisory level Training at Center for Housing planning and Building (CHPB)


Staff of Human Resources and Administration Division


Services of Human Resources and Administration Division




  • Construction Industry Development Authority
  • "Savsiripaya", 123, Wijerama Mawatha,
  • Colombo 07. Sri Lanka.
  • +94-11-2699801
  • +94-11-2699738