Construction Industry Development Authority

Ministry of Urban Development, Construction and Housing

The Main areas of activities of CIDA are

  • Recommend strategies for the development of the Construction Industry and assist in their implementation.
  • Regulate registration and grading of Construction Contractors.
  • Promote professionalism of consultants and coordinate activities of professional bodies and assist in the formation of similar bodies in the Construction Industry.
  • Promote /Facilitate export of construction industrial services by undertaking overseas contracts.
  • Provide advisory services to the Construction Industry.
  • Review human resource requirements of the industry and assist in the provision of training facilities.
  • Promote the advancement of the skills and expertise of personnel and professional bodies in the Construction Industry.
  • Promote /Undertake research on matters related to the Construction Industry.
  • Promote Quality Assurance and productivity in the Construction Industry.
  • Promote and grant assistance to the development of industries related to the Construction Industry.
  • Undertake or assist any other activity for the promotion of the Construction Industry.




  • Construction Industry Development Authority
  • "Savsiripaya", 123, Wijerama Mawatha,
  • Colombo 07. Sri Lanka.
  • +94-11-2699801
  • +94-11-2699738