Construction Industry Development Authority

Ministry of Urban Development, Construction and Housing

Technical Auditing

Construction Industry Development Authority (CIDA), legal successor to ICTAD, as the regulatory authority of the construction industry is mandated to carry out Technical Auditing of any identified construction works if requested to do so by the Owner as per Section No.45 of Construction Industry Development Act, No. 33 of 2014. The regulation on Technical Auditing has been published in the Gazette No 2057/5 dated 05.02.2018, prescribing the requirements for Technical Auditing and fees.

‘Technical Auditing’ means the inspection of identified construction works, which include construction process and management process as well as the final product and examination of contract documents and documents pertaining to payments requested to be made on contracts, in order to verify;

  1. The compliance of the documentation relating to identified construction works which are prepared in compliance with the requirements of this Act;
  2. The execution of identified construction work in conformity with the provisions of the contract and the provisions of this Act;
  3. The compliance by parties referred to the contract, with their respective obligations under the contract’ and
  4. The compliance with the basic public health, occupational health and environmental standards and technical standards which include efficient resource and energy utilization standards.

These Audits shall be carried out by the Auditors registered in CIDA as Quality Management Auditors as per the Section No 45 (4) of Construction Industry Development Act No.33 of 2014 to carry out Technical Auditing.

Application for Technical Auditing services




  • Construction Industry Development Authority
  • "Savsiripaya", 123, Wijerama Mawatha,
  • Colombo 07. Sri Lanka.
  • +94-11-2699801
  • +94-11-2699738